Initial Advice and Ecological Risk Analysis
Prior to undertaking extensive field works, or investing large sums of money in a project, it is wise to undertake an initial ‘broad’ assessment of the likely risks associated with the proposed work. To assist with this vital planning stage, EcoSmart Ecology can:
- Establish ecological (flora and fauna) constraints based on available regulatory mapping and planning documents
- Inspect available databases for locally known or predicted threatened species which may require consideration in planning
- Inspect vegetation mapping, and in conjunction with local records, attempt to provide a preliminary estimation of the likelihood that a species may occur
- Undertake verification / reconnaissance surveys to validate desktop results based on rapid assessment methods
- Produce preliminary mapping indicating areas of highest ecological risk/constraints
- Provide feedback to the client regarding regulatory requirements that could arise subject to further data
- Identify what, if any, ongoing and/or further work may be required, and
- Identification of existing ecological threats which may require specific action to ensure conservation outcomes
Many of these activities are undertaken prior to baseline or targeted assessments to maximize survey efficiency and survey results.
Assess regulatory mapping/planning constraints
Predict potential flora and fauna constraints based on available mapping/data
Rapid assessment reconnaissance surveys to valid desktop results
Identification and mapping of potential ecological constraints